For the use of people of La Fortuna
This is the nearby Barangay of Barangay La Fortuna. If you can get here you will be close to Barangay La Fortuna
This facilities made to serve the people of Barangay La Fortuna
Institution who handle the health matters of Barangay La Fortuna.
Institution who handles young children to prepare them in elementary education.
Institution who handle the childrens 6 to 12 yrs old and developed them for the next educational level.
Institution who handle complaint, legal services, legal document and all legal actions. Also emplementing and made resulotions for the good of people in Barangay La Fortuna.
Let's read the comments of selected residents of Barangay La Fortuna the actions of our barangay official.
There's so many things to improves, but i see a lot of improvements also. Good Luck hoping to see more improvements.
As i see barangay official of La Fortuna doing well in order to our community improves, good job blgu La Fortuna